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Argument Properties

Following the argument type, but before the =, you may specify additional properties inside of { } curly brackets. This is inspired by Pandoc's extended markdown syntax. Any attributes defined here will be applied to the corresponding element.

Properties are separated by spaces, and values containing spaces may be enclosed within " quotes. Example: {data=foo value="foo fum"}. A number of shorthand prefixes exist:

  • # - ID
  • . - Class(es)
  • - - Colspan
  • $ - Internal Parameter
  • ? - Should Render ($condition)
  • % - CSS Variable ("--k: v;" appended to style)

Style tags may be included inline as well. Example: {#id .class -2 style="color: red;"}. Height and width attributes may be provided outside of the style tag. Pipes inside of brackets will still split argument.

Keys prefixed by $ will not parse as attributes, and are used to pass parameters to configure the infobox or argument behaviour. $ keys that omit an = will be evaluated as true, or as false if prefixed by an ! (eg $!parameter). If the parameter does have a value, the ! will be included in the key.

The zeroth argument (before the first |) may not produce an element, but may provide a { } following the box type (if defined), with properties that will apply to the infobox table element. The infobox implicitly creates a table and tbody element.

Additionally, the property ? is shorthand for $condition=, which if set to false will cause the element to be skipped. This behavior is intended for templates.