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I'll add plenty of examples here at some point.

Using sk.render()

Takes a string, renders it to markdown, and outputs the HTML as text. Placing this within a raw tag (<%~ %> in a template or {~ } in a doc) will then render the HTML as elements (if it parses), whereas in an interpolate tag you'll just get the escaped HTML as text. HTML in a template will already render like any other HTML written in a page, but this is useful to render markdown elements inside of block elements (which Obsidian will not process markdown inside of).

For example, <div> ![[<%=sk.v.imgpath%>]] </div> will render as a div with the text ![[imgpath]], but <div> <%~ sk.render(`![[${sk.v.imgpath}]]`)%> </div> will render as an image embed span with src imgpath inside the div. As an example of the {{ }} tags, you could achieve the same with {{ <div><%~sk.render(`![[${sk.v.imgpath}]]`)%></div> }}.

Because post processors are not applied to block-level elements, skribis instead of block level elements will not render, even if you create the code span with html. However, inside of a rendered skribi, nested skribis will render even inside of block elements, and may be created with sk.render("`{}`") or <code>{ }</code>, to a depth of 5 (will add a setting to increase limit later). You can also call a template directly in javascript with the Eta function include().

Note: the markdown renderer likes to embed everything in <p>s and <div>s. I'm not sure the best way to deal with that yet, but it's not really a problem - just kind of clutters the DOM a bit. When styling your templates, make sure to use the inspector to see the actual structure of your rendered elements.

Also, the output is always placed in a div with the attribute skribi, with the value set to the name of the template. In CSS, you can target these with div[skribi="name"]. div[skribi] will select all skribis.

Using sk.child.registerInterval()

Here is a very simple example of creating an updating clock.

Note that the documentation system I'm using replaces spaces in codeblocks with non-breaking spaces, so copy-pasting from the code block below will not work (sorry about that).

let time = moment().format('HH:mm:ss')
sk.child.registerInterval(() => sk.child.reload(), 1)
